Yeh, F. Y.,
Tran, N. H., & Huang, C. F. (2021, May, 29). An investigation of environmental
literacy, environmental scientific achievement and environmental problem
solving among various genders. Paper presented at the 3rd IEEE Eurasia Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Healthcare and
Sustainability 2021 (IEEE ECBIOS 2021). Online, Taiwan (COVID-19 online).
Tran, N. H.
& Huang, C. F. (2021, June 18-20).Orientation
of educational content for science pedagogy students to fulfill the teaching
requirements of sustainable development goals. Paper presented at the 2021 International Zoom Conference East-Asian Association
for Science Education (EASE 2021) . Online, Japan (COVID-19 online).
Hou, J. C.,
Su, T. C., Tran, N. H., & Huang, C. F. (2020, Dec. 18-19). Explore the
effects of students’ relax affections by comparing of real and fake teaching materials. Paper
presented at the 36th Annual International
Conference of Science Education in Taiwan (2020aset).
Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Yi-Hsuan, Hsu, Ya-Ling, Chang, Ya-Wen, Yang, W. Jasmine, Chen, &
Chin-Fei, Huang. (2019, Nov. 3-7). National Policy and Strategic Approaches for
School Environmental Educaiton (EE) in Taiwan. Paper presented at the 10th World Environmental
Education Congress (WEEC 2019). Bangkok, Thailand.
2. Huang, C.-F., Kuo, Y.-C., & Huang, C.-H. (2019,
March). Explore junior high school students’ problem solving skills through
STEM activities. Paper presented at the 14th Annual Education and
Development Conference (EDC 2019). Bangkok, Thailand.
Su, T.-C., & Huang, C.-F. (2019, March). Explore the influences
of human’ emotions on contact with true and fake flowers by using neuroscience
technology. Paper presented at the 14th Annual Education and Development
Conference (EDC 2019). Bangkok, Thailand.
Wu, I.-T.,
& Huang, C.-F. (2019, March). The investigation of public’s
pro-environmental behavior in Taiwan. Paper presented at the 14th Annual
Education and Development Conference (EDC 2019, March). Bangkok, Thailand.
C.-C., & Huang, C.-F. (2019, March). Explore the influences of
students’ attention and meditation between different natural landscape by using
neuroscience. Paper presented at the 14th Annual Education and Development
Conference (EDC 2019). Bangkok, Thailand.
R.-M., & Huang, C.-F. (2019, March). Exploring Taiwanese primary
school students’ learning performances in the cross-disciplinary teaching of
mathematics and nature. Paper presented at the 14th Annual Education and
Development Conference (EDC 2019). Bangkok, Thailand.
Lin, C.-Y.,
& Huang, C.-F. (2019, March). Explore the Value Implications of
Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Ecotourism Application Paper
presented at the 14th Annual Education and Development Conference (EDC 2019).
Bangkok, Thailand.
W.-Y., Lo, M.-T., & Huang, C.-F. (2019, Jan). The influences of the
emotions on environmental pictures- evidence from neuroscience. Paper
presented at the 2nd Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation (ECEI 2019).
Singapore. (獲得最佳論文獎)
C.-F., Wang, K.-C., & Liu, C.-J. (2018, Jan). Discussion on the
effectiveness of assessing students’ scientific creativity by using different
tools of scientific creativity. Paper presented at the 2018 Eurasian Conference
on Educational Innovation (2018 ECEI). Macau, China.
Hsiang, W.-H., Tsai, T.-L., Li, P.-Y., Huang, C.-F., & Liu, C.-J.
(2017, Nov). Exploring the Science Learning Characteristics of Children with
Immigrant. 論文發表於2017年台灣教育研究學會學術研討會。高雄:中山大學。
11. Huang, C.-F. & Hsu, Y.-H. (2017, Sep). Exploring the influences of
outdoor learning on students’ learning attention and pressure by using
neuroscience technology. Paper presented at the 9th World
Environmental Education Congress, Vancouver, Canada.
12. Li, K., Sung, K.-K., Huang, C.-F., & Liu, C.-J. (2017, August).
Improving Elementary School Students’ Learning Performance on Web-Based
Learning. Paper presented at the International Conference on Education,
Psychology, and Social Sciences (2017 ICEPS), Thailand.
13. Huang, C.-F., Wu, H.-C., Yen, S.-J., Hsu, C.-C., & Liu, C.-J. (2017,
August). Explore Students’ Learning Strategies of Chemistry by Using
Neuroscience Technology. Paper presented at the European Conference on
Educational Research (2017 ECER), Denmark.
14. Yen, S.-J., Chen, C.-I., Huang, C.-F., & Liu, C.-J. (2017, July). The
Influences of Hands-On Activities on Scientific Creativity. Paper presented at
the 4th International Conference on “MULTIDISCIPLINARY INNOVATION FOR
15. Lin, C.
Y. & Huang, C. F. (2017 March). The
Different views of Environmental Education Resource between National Park Staff
and Residents in the Neighborhood. Paper presented at the Asian
Conference on Education & International Development 2017, ACEID 2017. Kobe,
16. Wang,
K.-C., Huang, C.-F., & Liu, C.-J. (2017, March). Explore Students’
Scientific Creativity Performances by Using Different Creativity Tests. Paper
presented at the 2017 Asian Conference on Education and International
Development. Art center Kobe, Japan.
17. Huang,
C.-F. (2017, March). A Study to Explore the Misconceptions about Science of
Elderly in Taiwan. Paper presented at the 2017 Asian Conference on Education
and International Development. Art center Kobe, Japan.
18. Yang,
C. C. & Huang, C. F. (2017 March). Explore
the students’ environmental literacy through a creative environmental
curriculum. Paper presented at the Asian Conference on
Education & International Development 2017, ACEID 2017. Kobe, Japan.
19. Yeh, F.
Y., Liu, Y.-P., & Huang, C. F. (2017 March). A Study of Senior High School Students Environmental
Problem Solving (EPS) Abilities. Paper presented at the Asian
Conference on Education & International Development 2017, ACEID 2017. Kobe,
20. Lin, S.,-H., Chen, S.-M., & Huang, C.-F. (2016). Using Creative Water Reuse Earth Bag to Prevent Flood
Disaster. Paper presented at the 2016
International Conference on Water Pollution and Treatment. Thailand.
21. Huang, C.-F., & Hsu, Y.-H. (2016, October). Building
Preservice Teachers' Environmental Concern through Neuroscience. Paper presented at the 2016 North
American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) conference.
22. Kuo, T.-C., Huang, C.-F., Cheng, Y.-Y., & Liu, C.-J.
(2016, September). Explore 6th to 8th
grades studens’ critical thinking about environmental and nuclear energy issues
by WISE. Paper presented at the 2016 International Conference of East-Asian
Association for Science Education. Japan, Tokyo University of Science.
23. Huang, C.-F., Lin, Y.-R., Chiu, H.-L., Ho, M.-C., &
Liu, C.-J. (2016, September). The influences of junior high school students’ environmental literacy on
water pollution curriculums. Paper presented at the 2016
International Conference of East-Asian Association for Science Education.
Japan, Tokyo University of Science.
24. Huang, C. F. (2016, June). The effects of
science learning on EPBL strategies. Paper presented at the Canada International Conference on Education.
Canada, University of Toronto Mississauga.
25. Wang, K. -C., Liu, C. -J., & Huang, C. -F. (2016, June). Study on the correlation of creativity trend and
scientific creativity by performing scientific hands-on activities. Paper
presented at the Canada International
Conference on Education. Canada, University of Toronto Mississauga.
26. 1Yeh, F. Y.,
Liu, C. J., & Huang, C. F. (2016, June). Explore students’ scientific and environmental learning process by using
EPBL strategy. Paper presented at the Canada International Conference on Education.
Canada, University of Toronto Mississauga.
27. Huang, C. –F, & Chang, M. –T. (2016, June). The influences of
junior high school students’ environmental literacy on air pollution
curriculums in Kaohsiung city. Paper presented at the Canada International Conference on Education.
Canada, University of Toronto Mississauga.
7. 簡茉莉、黃琴扉(2018,11月2-4日)。民眾的綠色消費認知、態度與行為之調查研究-以屏東地區為例。論文發表於2018中華民國環境教育學會第28屆環境教育學術暨實務交流國際研討會,台南:尖山埤江南渡假村。
8. 黃琴扉、蘇子珺(2018,10月13-14日)。運用腦波研究法探討環境自然物及環境非自然物對情緒放鬆的影響。論文發表於2018第五十七屆台灣心理學年會,台南:長榮大學。
9. 翁裕峰、呂惠雯、張家銘、游詠晨、陳柳足、黃琴扉(2018,4月)。發展業生產力的高齡社區:形成過程與社會正義。FACES第二屆第二次會員大會暨學術論文發表會:延緩高齡衰弱失能之進展-從理論到跨專業照護。高雄:輔英科技大學。
10. 林瓊瑤、黃琴扉(2018, 3月)。探討傳統生態知識之價值意涵與生態旅遊之應用。2018海洋創新科技與環境保護研討會,澎湖科技大學。
11. 林瓊瑤、黃琴扉(2018, 3月)。探討民眾對墾丁國家公園與鄰近社區永續發展觀點之差異。2018離島人文心理與幸福社會關係研討會,澎湖科技大學。
12. 王傑瑋、林哲正、黃琴扉(2016年12月3日)。融合資訊科技與環境教育之創新課程設計-以珊瑚礁海域為例。論文發表於2016年教育創新與人才培育學術研討會。台南:南台科技大學。
13. 王冠智、黃琴扉、劉嘉茹(2016年12月3日)。運用不同科學創造力測驗探討高中生科學創造力之差異。論文發表於2016年教育創新與人才培育學術研討會。台南:南台科技大學。
14. 楊真真、黃琴扉(2016年12月3日)。融入多媒體教學創意課程對國中生空氣污染環境素養影響之研究。論文發表於2016年教育創新與人才培育學術研討會。台南:南台科技大學。
15. 黃琴扉、黃彙雯(2016,12月)。高齡者對生活科學與科技的觀點與另有概念之初探。論文發表於第 32 屆科學教育國際研討會,台中:科學博物館。
16. 林瓊瑤、黃琴扉(2016,11月)。國家公園與鄰近社區共利環境教育資源指標之建構。論文發表於第 26 屆環境教育學術暨實務交流國際研討會暨第七屆兩岸四地可持續發展教育論壇,台北:台北市立動物園。